What is Jesuanism?

In all brevity, Jesuanism is the prompt for a dialogue within the mind concerning whom he trusts—or, as those in the religious world have come to pose this question, 'do you believe in God?' As weighty and even offensive such a question seems for both believer and skeptic alike, it is an important one to ask in this day and age; especially since the majority of people in the world recognize or in the very least entertain the thought of a higher power or Supreme Being, and the vast majority of these theists are Abrahamic monotheists who would insist that God is an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnificent, and omnibenevolent figure. With those as given attributes of God, then trust (or 'faith' if you'd rather) in his existence and infinite glory would be and should be a dynamic and powerful experience. But it isn't—not even for Christians, members of the largest and fastest growing religion that claims strict belief in and establishment by God.

Christianity has remained a constant in human civilization and especially western culture for so long that its absence would mean the end of a recognizable and beloved world. Yet what if we were to tell you that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world's largest religion? What if you were told that faith in God means much more than the churches worldwide would tell you? For example, you would trust your friend: but you would call that trust a little more than mere acknowledgement of his existence, wouldn't you? Christianity reminds us of the bravery and astonishing faith of the prophets and apostles, yet no such faith is ever exhorted upon its adherents. People are instead encouraged to attend worship services or go partake of the sacraments in churches across the globe, when no such practice ever originated with the earliest of disciples. Christians focus on differences in theology or interpretations of the Bible instead of a genuine expression of the love of God and a calling to share that love with others. As G.K. Chesterton once wrote, "...the great ideals of the past failed not by being outlived (which must mean over-lived), but by not being lived enough. [...] The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried." ¹What's Wrong With the World, Part I, ch. v, "The unfinished temple;" para. 3.

And it is for this reason that we have deemed Jesuanism to be necessary today. The man preached from the pulpit in churches today is not at all the same man who spoke of peace and justice and sought an intimate relationship with God comparable to that of a father and his children²And he said to them, "When you pray, say: 'Father, may your name be reverenced; let your kingdom come.'" — Luke 11:2³"For the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and trusted that I have come forth from God." — John 16:27. The Christ on the cross imagined by billions today is not the same Jesus who truly walked with his Father and encouraged others to find the path that leads to a life lived in accordance to that Father's will, no matter how narrow and perilous that path might be. The Jesus who allows all manner of sin and depravity so long as one confesses faith in his death is foreign to the Jesus who called for a sincere change of heart when it comes to iniquity and a radical love for God that is surpassed only by his love for you.

This site is here to provide you with the resources necessary to build a connection with your Father and prepare you to defend it with the conviction of your mind and heart. The life that Jesus lived and advises us all to live is an offer that we cannot postpone. The reign of God is imminent; whether we are prepared for it or not is entirely up to us. Please, come and read with an open mind and heart what he has revealed to us through Jesus. Welcome.

Site Content

Here you can find new and freely-published translations of the four 'good news' texts, commonly referred to as 'gospels.' These four volumes contain to date the most exhaustive selections of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and the earliest traditions related to him. They provide great insight into the theological and christological views of the communities that produced them and the times they were written, all the while laying the foundation-stones for the greatest and most powerful movement in all of human spirituality. As the Master himself once said, "The heaven and the land will pass away, but my words shall never pass away."


Also on this site are some editorials and opinion-pieces related to this good news that Jesus preached. These would of course make the most sense and be of the best help in your spiritual walk once one has read the four gospels with an open mind and a heart that is willing to change. Perhaps one that is entirely useful to anyone who has come here is the article, "Who Is Jesus?" which will hopefully soon be added to the site. There you can find a mere glimpse of the Savior's life-work and teachings, which tap into his unparalleled and intimate relationship with God, whom he called 'Father.' It is his vision of a better, just, and loving world, a kingdom of heaven, that those of willing to walk in his footsteps strive to build and make known to all people. We have much to learn from Jesus, and even more from what he calls us to do—for him, for humanity, and for God.